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The essentials & The delights

Daily Care

The essentials

Beauty Cleansing Water 3-in-1

Organic Helichrysum + Eau de Rose
35,00 €

Night & Day Repair Care

Organic Helichrysum + Algues marines
45,00 €

Eye Contour Cream

Immortelle bio de Corse
37,00 €

Cleansing Foam

Eau de Rose + Aloe Vera
24,00 €

Hand Cream

Eau de Rose + Miel et Agrumes
20,00 €

Lip Balm

Beurre de Karité + Cire d'abeille
17,00 €

The Essentials collection

The delights

So essential!

Rosée du maquis

Organic Helichrysum + Ciste bio
29,00 €

Monoï with essences of Corsica

Organic Helichrysum + Monoï de Tahiti
26,00 €

Moisturizing face mask

Organic Helichrysum + Hyaluronic acid
15,00 €

Tender Mist

Tender & Sweet Perfume
35,00 €

Green Mist

Energizing & Refreshing Fragrance
35,00 €


Organic Helichrysum + White Sand of Corsica
24,00 €

The delights collection

donna è - Biocosmetica di Corsica

Château Malaspina
20226 Belgodère
Corsica - France

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